Liquid Libido

Liquid Libido

Liquid Libido 1 Banana 1⁄2, peeled CucumberHandful/100g (same amount) Blueberries or BlackberriesSmall Handful 6-8 squaresAlmonds1 tbsp Dark Chocolate100ml Maca Powder Cream250ml Hot Water Blend the dark chocolate, almonds and maca powder while...
Callum Thompson
Tagged: Remedies
Chamomile Calmer

Chamomile Calmer

Chamomile Calmer Small handful Almonds  1 tsp Nutmeg 1 strip Citrus Peel  1 Pear 2 tsp Honey  300ml Chamomile Tea  200ml Coconut Milk  Cut or crush the almonds before blending with the other...
Callum Thompson
Tagged: Remedies